Monday, October 3, 2011


Millions of people are out of work, some of the people are apart of my family. My time spent over my Granparent's who watch the news religiously showed me just how vicious our world could be. For example the Job plan President Obama presented. I believed it was mention on Hardball with Chris Matthews, that some people rejected the plan because it was "Obama Plan".When asked if their are parts in the plan they did not agree with,they replied that their are not. They like the detail of the plan but do not like that it was President Obama who presented the plan. As I stated above millions of people is out work, and a solution have been proposed but because of the presenter of this soultion is America President, some people have great disdain for it.
The next matter that drew my attention is some weeks back during the republican debate. The matter of health care came up. The candidates were given as scenario of a man at the age of thirty in perfect health was hurt in a car accident. He is rushed to the hosptial but is uninsured. Do you save him or let him die. A person in the audience ssaid let him die and the crowd began clapping. This man could be saved, especially since he was in perfect health before the incident. How could a person be such curel. America is known for their indivualistic trait, but to agree to allowed a person die because he do not not have insurance is absurd. Dosen't the preamble of the consitution start as WE the people, but where are the we !

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