Yesterday I came across this article about a PLUS-SIZED BARBIE. Could this be true?! I had to see what they looked like, and I was hoping they wouldn't be a mockery of a curvaceous woman.

After hearing all the controversy about the Toki-Doki tattoo Barbie, this was definitely something new. This Barbie is sold over-seas, and the meaning of Ciotka Kena is Ken’s Aunt. America is thinking about releasing these Barbie dolls! Barbie has always had such a strong reputation for being perfect…perfectly unrealistic. Is this new Barbie just as bad as the current one, only at the opposite extreme? In this generation where child obesity has highly increased, will this reflect on that generation? OR will this show the kids that being on the plump size is okay? Or show them that you can be beautiful and comfortable in your skin at any size. Only time will tell if these dolls actually get released. The closest Mattel came to a “plus-size Barbie” have been Rosie O’Donnell, the first plus-sized model Emme Aronson and Effie from Dreamgirls, but they were not on shelves for long. Many parents are supporting this Barbie! Blog responses consist of “I agree plus size barbie would be great!!! every beautiful woman in the world isn’t a size 0 keep it real!!!!” and “A plus sized Barbie, i’d get my daughter one she loves barbie and i think that a plus sized one is a positive thing as you never seem to get plus sized dolls for little girls!”. I guess it’s time for children to see something besides a glamourized anorexic and let them embrace the beauty of voluptuous and curvy.
Awesome! I hadn't heard of this at all and even the typical barbie isn't a size zero! I just wish/hope that this could become the norm.
ReplyDeleteHello Samantha,
ReplyDeleteThe new plus size Barbie was also a shock to me. Although the American Media seems to glorify the images of the skinny woman. There are still societies on earth that embrace the image of full figured woman. The one group that comes to my mind is the Samoan People. I am glad to hear that there may be a push to demonstrate to young women that unrealistic body types should not be something that they should look up too. I am a little spectacle that these dolls will succeed in appealing to a mass audience because as we briefly discussed in class when given the option in a study group of girl s of different races to play with a doll almost all choose the white doll. Let’s keep our fingers crossed on this one.
Thanks, Alejandro