Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Community Gender Roles

I watched this prior weeks episode of Community and I noticed a lot of the Tough Guise that Jackson was talking about. One of the main characters Jeff really embodies that front that men put up to be accepted and viewed in a certain way. Jeff for those who don’t know is the “cool” dude who loves all thing that have to do with women, scotch and looking like he doesn’t care. Now in this episode, the group of Community, go to a house warming party for Troy and Abed. During which we see a lot of the qualities that Jeff attributes to masculinity. He teases Troy about is to scale model of the Indiana Jones rolling boulder scene and comments about his virginity. This indicates that by being a virgin and creating the model that he is less of a man. Troy acts as the foil to Jeff by being a lot more childish and fun but still trying to be that manly figure. He even tries to show his manhood by saying that he “knows what cigarettes are” as he takes out a case and then puts one his mouth and chews on it…it was a candy that only appeared to be a cigarette. It is interesting to see the contrast of these two as they show what they define as masculine. Troy does the not so accepted masculine thing but still puts up a front. While Jeff’s personality is his guise, worrying about the safety of his women friends and feels he needs to guard his actual personality to appear manly.

1 comment:

  1. Oh this show is such an awesome example! IT is so hard to get all the messages in it because Jeff's character is a complete exaggerated parody. I mean, all of them are (that's why that show is so mind-blowingly meta!), so when you see Jeff behaving that way I think the viewer is supposed to pick up that he is being ridiculous and his criticisms are inconsequential. I think that point is lost on some viewers, but is really interesting when you are paying attention. Thanks for this example, so relevant.
