Tuesday, October 4, 2011

TV and I

While we watched the show Private Practice in class today we were asked to think about what the message is, what we got from the show and the emotional issues that were at hand. I realized that while I was being asked to do this, I have never noticed how much TV tries to reach out and relate to individuals. Maybe I was blind by the certain images that the shows portrayed or maybe I was lost in my own little world while I was watching TV. I got to thinking about certain shows that have a special connection to me and my life and the first show that I could think of was The Office. I remember I use to watch that show whenever I was upset, or in a bad mood because it was hilarious and could make me feel better. I would get lost in a world of something that wasn't real. How crazy does that make me? I started to think back to the readings that we also had to read prior to this weeks class and the article about Audience Oriented Criticism stuck to my mind. In the beginging of the article, it says that TV is sometimes used as a performance medium to create those I/you relationships. When we think about our everyday life, we all can relate to some sort of drama that is surrounding us, the conflicts we have with certain people in our lives and the relationships that we have built into loving ones. I never realized how much TV can relate or tries to relate to everybody on some sort of level. Maybe that's why there are so many TV shows out there that everyone frowns upon or becomes immediately attached to, because they are the ones living our lives in a more fun, and unrealistic manner.

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