Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Growing Up the Disney Way

I was watching Disney channel and a commercial for Wizards of Waverly place came on. This is the show that has Selena Gomez on it…well they’re trying to end the show. Selena is playing a 16 year old sophomore or junior in high school and she has already gotten her heart broken, wears high heels, and has very sarcastic personality. She is portrayed in a very mature manor. As only beginning her true teenage years, she wants to get an apartment with her best friend. No questions asked, they get the apartment! How do they make money for their rent? How did they save the money? Why are the parents letting her do this? Her older brother has not even moved out of the house and he is the one about to go off to college. American culture in general portrays how parents love having you out of the house by eighteen. Eighteen is the reasonable age for you to be on your own. American culture is teaching kids independence at a very young age. This is shocking for Disney to promote this behavior since they are very family oriented. She should be making mistakes and having fun! At her age you are still learning, and stepping into your independence. You just started to drive! You are just beginning to find your own identity in the world! Owning your own apartment is pressure that should not be added to your learning years. College students still depend on their parents for money, support, help, and advice. We shouldn’t have the next generation grow up too fast. We watch 16 year olds get pregnant and deal with adult problems all the time on television. I think this adds to how the media starts accepting that teens CAN go through stressful situations for that fifteen minutes of fame or view being “grown-up” as cool. These are not role models younger people should be looking at.


  1. Wow I can't believe the disney channel is promoting teenagers living on their own. Is she working on the show? That is very unrealistic. I babysit and all the little girls are obsessed with that show and love Selena, I'd love to hear how they feel about her living alone at 16. This definitely goes hand in hand with 16 and pregnant but on a much more G rated scale. Teens are taking on more responsibility and being on their own younger and younger and its not necassarily always a good thing!

  2. It is depicting an unfavorable situation, no one thinks a 16 year old should be on their own, but for a lot of people that is reality. Not everyone goes to college, many people don't have the option. As a result they have to support themselves at a younger age. I don't think it is necessarily "supporting" that situation for it to be present in the show, but it depends on how it is depicted. In any case the criticism I could have for the show is that it makes light of the real lived experiences of people who don't have the privilege to be supported by parents.
