Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wal-Mart's racist announcement

I recently came across a video that was broadcasted on CBS about an extremely racist remark made in a Wal-Mart store. "Attention Wal-Mart customers all black people leave the store now" was announced over a stores intercom for all shoppers and employees to hear. This is blantent racism and discrimination as we had talked about in class. When watching this I could not believe what I was seeing/hearing. Nobody knows if it was a customer or an employee who made this remark but either way it is unacceptable. What is even worse about this situation though is that an apology was not issued right away. They said it took a while for an apology to emerge which to me is remarkable. Racism is developed through our actions and in this case lack of action with Wal-Mart. They did release a statement of great apology but according to people being interviewed on this CBS broadcast it was not in the fashion it should have been. "The apology took a long time and a lot of pushing from the guests saying what are you going to do, is this okay to tolerate?" says Loretta Winters when being interviewed on the subject. Is this okay to tolerate? I would absolutely say no but it seems Wal-Mart may think otherwise since it took the persuasion of guests to finally apologize. Does Wal-Mart think racism is justified possibly through one of Bonilla-Silva's four frames? I can not answer for them but their hesitation on the situation speaks for itself.

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