Monday, October 17, 2011

do you have to be hot to be famous ?

Last night I got very caught up in watching the show Why Am I Still Single? It is a show that helps single people become more attractive inside and outside to the opposite sex in order to find them a significant other. Although it seems as if the show helps these people be happy, I find it to be very fake and almost sad. The show has twins who restyle the awkward single and make them "hot" and the other part of the team help find people who can help these people break their bad dating habits by going on dates with them and pointing out flaws. In my eyes love is supposed to be the idea of loving someone for everything that they are, whether it be good or bad. After reading Beltran's article about J-Lo's butt helping her become famous, I realized that there is so much superficiality in our media that it is hard to get recognized unless you are attractive. In this show these people only started getting dates after they got a makeover and were now considered "sexy". As the article said J-lo got noticed one people saw her assets, if you will. It is confusing to me why people on TV must be attractive to get attention, when half of the population of Americans could barely be considered beauty queens. This type of media attention is what forces people to be insecure and want to change themselves. The real question is, are we being blinded by beauty and being tricked into thinking these people are talented because of looks?

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