Monday, October 3, 2011

Learn the proper way to stereotype

Recently I had heard that J.C. Penney had been accused of releasing a sexist commercial. Interested in what it could have possibly been I searched for the commercial and was surprisingly able to find it even though J.C. Penney said they were very successful in pulling it. It was basically suggesting men had no interest in anything besides half naked women. The ad itself starred Kenney Mayne from ESPN, furthering the stereotype that all men will recognize sports related people and objects. Kenney began the commercial by saying "J.C. Penney realized you don't like advertising for clothes. Who does?" This is where things started to get bad. The screen splits in half and on the right side are different clothing items while on the left they played a clip from "Fast Times at Ridgemont High." Of course the clip they played was of Phoebe Cates pulling herself out of a pool in a tiny bikini. It all then ended with Kenney stating the new and "improved" slogan, "J.C. Penney it is seriously hot in here." Was this supposed to make men shop at J.C. Penney because they let them watch pretty girls instead of blatantly trying to sell them clothes? The funny thing though is that this isn't even the worst part about it all. I was interested in seeing some of the responses to the commercial so I found a yahoo news clip featuring the commercial and some protesters reactions. It was the protesters comments of this commercial that really shocked me. In a response to J.C. Penney's ad one protester said "Commercials that play off stereotypes have to be clever and funny...and this one isn't." So if I am understanding this correctly if this ad had stereotyped in the proper way it would have been ok? Should there even be a right way to stereotype? This just doesn't make sense; I was unaware it was ok to put stereotypes among different groups of people if it were done in a clever funny way. These protesters really missed the mark on this one.
Here is a link to the actual commercial if anyone is interested in viewing J.C. Penney's ad.

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