Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Where would we be!?!

Yesterday my kitchen sink started acting funny so I called my handy man. He said he wont be able to examine the pipes until Saturday. Being 65 years-old, he is a self-employed man, and have been doing these blue collar work for a long time. He used to bring his nephew alone, but he let him go a couple of years back, saying he was slowing him down, yet the nephew was in his early forties. Yet, at his age (65) he is still sharp as a whistle. So as I watch the news and these debates about "Class Warfare" I wonder where he would be if he was much younger and was working for someone else instead of himself. The media talks about the 1% against the 99.99% or Herman Cain nine, nine, nine plan, and all I can think about is where would we be if we didn't have Blue-collar workers, better yet, working class people period. We have these perceptions of the working class people but who do you called when your having trouble with your plumbing?

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