Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Kim Kardahsian's Divorce

I'm pretty sure that all of us have heard that Kim Kardashian filed for divorce after only 72 days. After spending so much money and getting so much publicity it is obvious that she fabricated her wedding for money. Which brings to to the question of do reality T.V stars really care about their fans? After reading the Jenkins article about participatory culture i began to rethink of who benefits the most from the relationship of fans.The tv star of the fan. Sure fans get good music or good movies but ultimately the person making a profit from being a fan is the celebrity. So many celebrities have let their fans down. Kim Kardashian, Tiger Woods, Paris Hilton etc. makes me think people who are hardcore fans should rethink the motives for which they are a fan. The Kardashian have clothing lines, perfumes, nail polishes, stores, they are pretty much sucking as much money as they can from their fans. The wedding scam was pushing it too far in my opinion. I think we have be part of a selective participatory culture.

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