Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Political Fandom

After being our class discussions about fandom it got me thinking about what is it that I personally am obsessed with. I had a unique list that went from Buffy to The Phantom of the Opera back to Buffy over to Buffy and it looped around back to Buffy. However, I did think of one other thing that I happen to be a little obsessed with, Music. I have multitude of favorite bands (all time favorite being Kill Hannah) but one has recently had my attention, the band Rise Against.

Rise Against is a highly political band that I absolutely LOVE. They are known for writing highly political songs and making very political music videos. Not to label but if people were to ask me to generalize all I could say would be that Rise against leans left (far left). However, I do not like to categorize the wonder of their political stance.

What does this have to do with anything? After our discussion in class about what fandom does to people, society and the world as a whole it got me thinking about how Rise Against influence their fans. Of course the majority of us that follow Rise Against know their political stance. However, many people follow them and do not truly listen to their lyrics and do know necessarily know how political they are until they watch a video. Below I have included a video that I feel speaks the most to our general public and is very easy to understand (you should show it in class just because we need more alternative/ rock and less hip hop). However, the point I am trying to make is that I believe that political bands such as these can influence their fans to do more than dress a certain way like Lady GaGa or go to conventions like Comic Con. I feel that with political videos like these they intend to inspire people and open their eyes to more than just the culture of the fandom and more of the politics of the fandom. Can Band inspire a revolution? Who knows…


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