Wednesday, November 9, 2011

"Literary" Fandom

As an avid reader, I become less confident in the literary progression of our time every time I see or hear anything related to the Twilight series. Yes, I will admit I have read these novels. Yes, I did find some enjoyment in them. However, those who are highlighting these novels as the "greatest literary works of our generation" need a trip to the library.

What happened to the days where novels were carefully written, so that every word was the best possible choice? Where did the Flaubert's and Conrad's of the 21st century go? Did they ever exist to begin with?

I understand the connection many young girls have with Twilight. They believe that they want a similar romance and will become obsessive in living that romance through their fantasies. Online communities give them a place to be with the others who think as they do. Yet, I believe they should focus their obsession on something worth merit.

I'm calling for a complete overhaul for those writing popular teen fiction. Improve your skills and more importantly, your editors. The only thing Twilight should be used for is for spotting typos and correcting them with a red pen, not obsession over mythology.

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