Monday, September 19, 2011

eyes wide open

Lately I have been noticing a lot of hegemony. It reminds of how you buy a new car and all of a sudden you see people with the same model as you. Once you really open your eyes you notice the things that has been staring you right in the face.Which leads me back to hegemony. I didn't put any thought into the concept of hegemony until it was brought up as a discussion for class. So when I was at home watching old movies that were made in the late 80's and 90's I came across a movie called L.A. Confidential. It was about a police officer fighting for justice even when, his fellow officer was aganist him.He kept fighting for justice even when his superior officer tried his hardest to deter him, because he was one of the key players in the crime that was occuring in their city. He signified hope. Hope that one day the world would be full of righteous people such as himself.

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