Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Rich but Unhappy

Unarguably, society has allowed the acceptance of ideologies of the ruling class and lower class people have fell into and endless cycle of alienation and consumer consumption. In this capitalistic society we have been led to believe that if we work hard enough we can achieve what we want and live the "American Dream".
In our last class we discussed the Marxist article and the example that best embodied its ideas was the movie Pursuit of Happiness.However, i would like to see the perspective of those that impose these ideologies on to the rest of us. As a counter example to Pursuit of Happiness I would like  to use the example of  and older film, Citizen Kane. I really love the example of Citizen Kane because he was a man that not only was wealthy and powerful but his wealth came from a media outlet. Charles Kane was the owner of the New York Inquirer a NY newspaper and he was also an avid politician. We can say that Mr.Kane was one of these people that had control over the media and had an impact in creating what was considered news to the lower classes. Even though Mr. Kane had power and wealth at the end he died alone in an empty mansion full of his employees. At one point in the movie he says "if i hadn't been very rich i might have been a good man". Mr.Kane had it all but yet he longed for what most of us are given a family and love.

1 comment:

  1. I think another good example of what you are saying in your post would be the book "The Portrait of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde.
