Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Parenthood. What a show.

Television has always been a big part of my life. I don't watch T.V. 24/7 but, I do love my share of comedic sitcoms such as 30Rock, Community, Always Sunny in Philadelphia and Parenthood. Ever since this class started, I have begun to realize many ways the media have labeled certain actions to certain races and it happens all the time. While watching the past two episodes of parenthood on NBC, one character stood out to me as being stereotyped, Alex. A young black adult, played by Micheal B.Jordan, who once lived in a homeless shelter and now the boyfriend of a middle class white girl. The last episode Alex got into a fight and got arrested and then led to him revealing that he had a history of crime, such as armed robbery. There isn't anything wrong with this but to me it seems like this is always happening in movies and shows when it comes to race. In the movie Lincoln Lawyer the main character Mick Haller, played by Matthew McConaghey, was a rich, good looking, high powered lawyer, Micheal Pena plays Jesus Martinez, a Hispanic felon, who looks like a gang member, is falsely accused of rape, and last but not least their is Louis Roulet, played by Ryan Phillippe, who is a rich kid who is the actual criminal. These are the things that make me wonder how we as a society see each other. Is it because this is the way things really are or because the media has made of think this way? I am not complaining about any of this but it is very interesting to me that after having T.V. be a part of my life forever that I have just noticed this and I have started to take an interest on how my culture and life is seen.

1 comment:

  1. Its amazing when you stop to think about where your beliefs about the world originate. Nice post.
