Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Lady Hegemony

In class we were learning about how different genres and cultures will be partially assimilated into what is considered to be the "norm" so that they will feel as if they were accepted by society. And what I feel is a good example of this is Lady Gaga. Once when watching a late night television show Lady Gaga appeared and was interviewed. She told the interviewer that her music was for those who felt like "freaks" like she did when she was younger, those who felt like they didn't fit in. Because as she said in another interview "Since my childhood in school and for a very long time, I used to always feel like a freak. I didn’t have many friends… I got made fun of every day… I related to men more than I related to women. I felt like a freak, and I had nowhere to go… I’ve watched this massive group of misfits join together to liberate themselves… We believe that we aren’t the freaks, that everybody else is the freaks."
And I feel that she has given many people who feel the same as she did, the courage to proudly accept and show who they are in many different forms such as the way they dress. I even remember hearing that she's coming out with a clothing brand whose clothes are unique for those who wish to stand out in their fashion tastes but are still "relatively normal" as she labeled them. So through her clothing brand and music, Lady Gaga has helped to assimilate others like herself into what is acceptable by the collective society.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with everything you said about Lady Gaga. I am a fan of her myself and I really think she is an important person to be in the lime light because although people may not like her or her music, she is a great role model for those who feel like outcasts and weirdos. We need to stop looking to the social norm to find out who we should be, we need to look inside ourselves and I think Lady Gaga is the perfect poster woman for that . She helps people feel comfortable in their own skins and that is something that society has made many people loose due to social norms and the status quo of our world today.
