Wednesday, September 21, 2011

"Zombies" turn "Walkers" and Overall Just Confused

I haven't had much time to watch television in the past few weeks. Trust me, I feel awful about it. But thinking about hegemony and ideology also stumped me because I honestly no idea where to go with those two thoughts. I considered talking about Community, but then saw it had been done (that's what I get for procrastinating, right?), then I thought about one of the other shows I have completely engross myself with: Walking Dead.

The Walking Dead is based off of a comic series about a zombie apocalypse, but the point of the books and series is more of human reaction rather than the actual epidemic. I learned that within to world of the series, George A. Romero's zombie movies and anything basing off of that don't exist. The entire zombie ideology has been wiped clean. There are dead people walking around eating live animals and other humans and we don't know how to kill them indefinitely or even what to call them? Talk about terrifying.
The lead in this series is Rick Grimes, who was a sheriff in a small town before this whole thing occurred. Although he is the main character, he does his best to not take the lead and be in charge of who he is around to survive, but he also wants what is best for his family. The safety of his family is the main thing that drives him, which gives him the best ideas of how to survive, ultimately making everyone assume he's the leader.
Rick's deputy is/was Shane Walsh, who has been trying to maintain leadership status while Rick was supposedly dead. Once Rick comes back into the picture, he and Shane have power struggles trying to figure out what is best for the group. Even then, when they've agreed on leaving camp to find a new place, the group splits up between who is going and who is staying.
Through out the season, the group has issues they all have to agree on together and, even then, people have to compromise, but they usually stick with what Rick has to say. That's hegemony... Right?

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