Monday, September 19, 2011

Raising Victor Vargas- The Latino Stereo Type

The movie raising Victor Vargas is now playing on  NUVOTV  and is geared for a Latino American audience. The actual movie's demographic is suppose to be Latino tweens. Victor Vargas is characterised as a stereotypical Latino whose desire to have sex is all that he worries about and his misogynistic language is that of  the rap culture. It seems as though he has already been indoctrinated with what the dominate ideology thinks of him. The one bright spot in the movie is the grandmother's character whom is counter hegemonic. She demonstrates her old country morals and raises him as those great abuelita's or (grandmother's) know how to do so well. As in African American families the grandmother is the matriarch of the family and this is counter to the patriarchal society that we live in. One overly stereotypical scene shows his younger sister watching Spanish TV and all they are showing are women dancing in half naked attire. Reminded me of the Betty White's appearance on Saturday Night Live when they are making fun of Latino's and how they are over actors as in Spanish soap opera's. In the SNL episode Betty White and the rest of the actors are constantly dancing for no reason. Yes, this is a reinforcement of the hegemonic agenda that Hollywood and in this case SNL expose.

1 comment:

  1. What then is the benefit of satire? Does it work to expose hegemony in a way that propels us closer to revolution? Does the exposure for comedic value actually incite change?
