Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tough Guys or Girls? American Horror Story

In a recent episode of the FX series American Horror Story, they look back at the first owners of the house the new family lives in. It was a doctor and his wife and their new born baby. Back in the times of the 1920's in which this family lived, men were supposed to be in charge and "wear the pants in the relationship" and it was even acceptable for the man to disrespect his wife. But in this case it was the complete opposite. The wife was extremely verbally abusive to the husband, constantly calling him names and mocking him, making him feel completely useless. This in turn lead to him having a serious drug problem. This women was pure evil and no one would do anything about it because the man was supposed to be the one in charge. We look at the roles men play when they are the bad guy but we rarely ever look into how women can be just as abuse, just not in a physical manner. Words can be just as harmful and lead to just as much pain as physical abuse and men are not the only ones to blame. Although it is more common for the man to be abusive we should not look past the fact that sometimes women can do just as much damage with their powerful words.


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  2. Hey, this is a great point! I think I mentioned this in class last week or something but yeah, there is a big problem with how the dismissal/ infantilization of femininity affects men. That's why trans* women are oppressed more than trans* men. A really obvious example is how it is more acceptable for a girl to dress masculine than for a man to dress feminine. (If a guy wears a dress he will be ridiculed more than a woman dressing in mes clothing)
    not to beat a dead horse with this, but this goes back to the idea that men can't be raped/ can't be abused by a woman. They are seen as always being more powerful/ also seen as being constantly interested in sex with anyone at anytime. Ugh I wish I could go on and on but there are too many examples!
